How to use Eclipse for Java?

Today we shall see how to create Java Itegrated Development Environment (IDE) on your PC and write, test & run your Programs in simple steps. Carefully read following steps and work accordingly for most easy, smooth and perfect work. Installing Java IDE on your PC/Laptop With Java IDE you will be able to write your […]

Solar Eclipse: Real Time Data Logging

The solar eclipse of 26 December, 2019 was a wonderful experience. I wanted to record the real time changes of temerature & sunlight intensity during this event. So I designed two systems for recording the Real Time Temperature and Real Time Sunlight Intensity slightly before and after this Solar Eclipse. I used Arduino UNO for […]

Lectures: Semiconductor Devices & Technology

This is a series of video lectures where I take some basic and interesting topics from Electronics and Physics and make them easier to understand for my students and viewers. STAY TUNED till the next one comes up this week!

TechEye for Blind Persons

my work table

Currently blind people are facing a huge problem when they are in a public place. They have stick in their hand which helps them a bit. But I modified that stick and installed ultrasonic sensors along with necessary hardware in it. Which helps the blind person more efficiently and lets him sense the surrounding up […]